Exploring the Personal Web

Posted in Personal Web on May 6, 2023 by foreverliketh.is โ€ 6 min read

Exploring the Personal Web
Image Details & Source

Picture of Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood โ€” The greatest explorer to have ever lived.

โ€œSCP-1867ึŽโ€ by DjoricึŽ, from the SCP WikiึŽ. Licensed under CC-BY-SAึŽ.

Audio Retelling of SCP-1867ึŽ by The Exploring SeriesึŽ

This page was last modified: March 24th, 2024

Click Here for Part 1: The Personal WebึŽ

Welcome Aboard

This post will offer no guidance on how to create your personal website. Weโ€™re starting off here because I believe this to be one of the most essential pieces in whether or not you will consider the pursuit fulfilling. Sadness did this for me with her Cyberspace sectionึŽ. This is my attempt at that for you.

The first rule regarding personal websites is: โ€œThere are no rules.โ€ This perspective I am about to share is limited, biased and unique to me, draw your own conclusions about the things you find.

To me, a personal site is personal. It is NOT: a CV or for-profit or barren or AI-generated or โ€œfakeโ€ึŽ. A personal website is HONEST. Regardless of whether a site you come across possesses any of the those traits, I advise assessing it for sincerity.


Iโ€™m not going to explain them here because an acquaintance of mine: Ray โ€œbrisrayโ€ ThomasึŽ hosts the quintessential

  1. History of WebringsึŽ

  2. List of WebringsึŽ

  3. How Webrings Work (Webring Technology)ึŽ

pages on the internet. He estimates there are ~7,000 websites via his list alone. I cannot recommend reading these articles enough.

Collectives & Projects

These are more akin to link directoriesึŽ, but thatโ€™s not all they are. Theyโ€™re quite different from webrings and Iโ€™ve organized them here for any interested future explorerโ€™s convenience:

NameHow To Join?FeaturesCreators
Agora Road FeedsึŽJoin Agora RoadึŽListึŽzinrickyึŽ
App DefaultsึŽGithubึŽRSS FeedึŽRobb KnightึŽ
Bear BlogึŽYou have to create your site via bearblog.devึŽSearchึŽHerman MartinusึŽ
BlogScrollึŽGithubึŽRandomDen DelimarskyึŽ
Bring Back BloggingึŽCanโ€™t JoinึŽSearchAsh HuangึŽ & Ryan PutnamึŽ
Brutalist WebsitesึŽEmailึŽXUnknown
Gossipโ€™s WebึŽCanโ€™t JoinึŽ*RandomึŽUnknown
Hacker News BlogrollึŽEmailึŽ Nelson Hernandez (deathbypenguinึŽ)RandomึŽ, CSVึŽ / JSONึŽ / OPMLึŽ, Live FeedึŽ & SearchNelson Hernandez (deathbypenguinึŽ)
Hyperlink CafeึŽGithubึŽXSimon DannึŽ
ichiึŽYou have to create your site via ichi.cityึŽXm15o [1ึŽ & 2ึŽ]
Iโ€™ll Read ItึŽEmail ManuXManuel MorealeึŽ
Improbable Island โ€œAdsโ€ึŽFormึŽRandomDan HallึŽ
indieblog.pageึŽFormึŽRandomึŽ, ListึŽ & RSS ServiceึŽAndreas GohrึŽ
IndieNewsึŽFormึŽListึŽ, Weekly SummaryึŽ + Audio EditionึŽ & LanguagesึŽAaron PareckiึŽ & Marty McGuireึŽ
Indie RPG ClubึŽFormRandomึŽColin FahrionึŽ
indieseek.xyzึŽFormึŽRandomึŽ & SearchBrad EnslenึŽ
IndieWeb DirectoryึŽIndieAuthึŽ*XGrant RichmondึŽ
i.webthings directoryึŽFormึŽRandomึŽ & Searchjoe jenettึŽ
johnvertisementsึŽEmail citronsRandomcitronsึŽ
Kagi Small WebึŽGithubึŽRSS Feeds & RandomVladimir PrelovacึŽ
Lainchan Webring [1ึŽ & 2ึŽ]Look for the โ€œLetโ€™s Create a Webring!โ€ threadึŽRandomึŽ & OPMLLainchanึŽ & YukinuึŽ
Marginalia SearchึŽSearch โ€œsite:example.comโ€ and get in the queueRandomึŽ & Website TinderึŽViktor LofgrenึŽ
MelonLand Surf ClubึŽJoin the MelonLand ForumึŽRandomึŽMelonึŽ
MoonjumpึŽIndirectly via Are.naึŽ, Hacker NewsึŽ or Marginalia SearchึŽRandomึŽ & SearchAnkit BagchiึŽ
NeocitiesึŽYou have to create your site via neocities.orgึŽRandomึŽ & TagsKyle DrakeึŽ
Nerd ListingsึŽFormึŽCategoriesUnknown
Nightfall CityึŽFormึŽThe Midnight PubึŽm15o [1ึŽ & 2ึŽ]
No CSS ClubึŽEmail MartinXMartin ChrzanowskiึŽ
Non-Profit BloggersึŽGithubXMatthewึŽ
nownownow.comึŽEmail Derek SiversึŽXDerek SiversึŽ
ooh.directoryึŽFormึŽRandomึŽPhil GyfordึŽ
omg.lolึŽ$20 per year + You have to create your site via omg.lolึŽList [2ึŽ, 3ึŽ & 4ึŽ] & Work-in-ProgressึŽ*Adam NewboldึŽ
PeelopaaluึŽEmail SnooperXSnooperึŽ
PersonalSit.esึŽGithubึŽSites with FeedึŽAndy BellึŽ & Henry DesrochesึŽ
Responsive Web DirectoryึŽFormึŽXKaleึŽ
RSS ClubึŽEmail DaveOPMLึŽDave RupertึŽ
Search My SiteึŽFormึŽRandomึŽMichael I LewisึŽ
Small WorldึŽFormึŽXMizukiึŽ
Smol PubึŽYou have to create your site via Smol PubึŽFeedึŽm15o [1ึŽ & 2ึŽ]
Smooth Sailing ListingsึŽFormึŽCategoriesLysianthus (Asclaria)ึŽ
The Big List of Personal WebsitesึŽFormโ€™s at the bottomXCheapskate (terraaeon)ึŽ
The Darktheme ClubึŽGithubึŽRandomGarrit FrankeึŽ
The ForestึŽFormึŽRandomึŽManuel MorealeึŽ & Carl BarenbrugึŽ
The Internet PortalึŽCanโ€™t JoinRandomSamuel BermanึŽ & Erik UdenึŽ
The kino webringึŽEmail or GithubึŽXTy3r0XึŽ
The Neon KioskึŽFormึŽXm15o [1ึŽ & 2ึŽ]
The no-JS ClubึŽsourcehutึŽXFrank Homburg & shruubึŽ
The WebRings FanlistingึŽFormึŽXNicki FaulkึŽ
The Whimsical WebึŽGithubึŽXMax BรถckึŽ
thoughts webringึŽCreate a thoughts pageึŽXWesley Aptekar-CasselsึŽ
tildeverseึŽJoin a tilde & build your site thereLists [1ึŽ, 2ึŽ, 3ึŽ, 4ึŽ & 5ึŽ] & Random [1ึŽ & 2ึŽ]X
uses.techึŽGithubึŽTagsWes BosึŽ
Uses ThisึŽSomeone has to nominate you.CategoriesึŽ, FeedึŽ & SearchDanielึŽ
XHTML ClubึŽEmail BradXBradley TauntึŽ
XXIIVV WebringึŽGithubึŽRandomึŽ & SearchึŽDevine Lu LinvegaึŽ
Ye Olde BlogrollึŽFormึŽRandomึŽ, PlanetึŽ & SearchRayึŽ
YesterlinksึŽCanโ€™t JoinRandomึŽ, Search & TagsSadnessึŽ
1MB ClubึŽEmail or sourcehutึŽXBradley TauntึŽ
512KB ClubึŽGithubึŽXKev QuirkึŽ
250kb ClubึŽsourcehutึŽ or GithubึŽXNorman KรถhringึŽ
10 KB ClubึŽGithubึŽXSusam PalึŽ
1kB ClubึŽsourcehutึŽXBradley TauntึŽ
Exploration, Participation, Inspiration

These collectives arenโ€™t just for browsing, aspiring site author. Donโ€™t just think of these places as destinations to be travelled to, but as potential bonds to be formed! Connections to be made! Take the time to look for people that are writing or sharing things that truly speak to you, and then go even further beyond and reach out to them! Those people and their websites will serve as your inspiration. And, like them, once you have found what you have to sayโ€ฆ

Join as many of these collectives as you can. Because you should broadcast your voice. Send out signs of life, state your presence. Do not be passive in your siteโ€™s discovery. Your personal websiteโ€ฆ You, are something worth sharing. Worth finding. As long as anyone believes that, projects like these will be worthy of our time.

Click Here for Part 3: Walk the WayึŽ

Contributors: JamesึŽ, Nicholas A. FerrelึŽ, sizeof.catึŽ, Vanza SetiaึŽ

Syndication ~ This article has been posted to: Agora RoadึŽ, basement communityึŽ, Hacker NewsึŽ, IndieNewsึŽ & MastodonึŽ

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