1.4 Aversion

Planted: September 1, 2022
Last tended: February 25, 2023


Video Transcript This is just a quick video that is an interruption to the main course, because this is a completely different method of changing fetishes. This is one that’s got a lot of clinical evidence backing it up, it’s got leather, there are so many research papers on this and 1000s of case studies where this works, it’s something that works for more than just fetishes. It can work for a whole load of behaviors, the concept behind this is that everything we do is learned, we learn to have some sort of positive consequence of whatever we do, otherwise, we wouldn’t do it. So any problematic behavior that you have, such as overeating, for example, you have a positive payoff. And that’s why you do it repeatedly over and over again, you have the pleasure of eating the food, the satisfaction of being fooled and nice taste, of course. And something like say alcohol abuse obviously has a positive payoff in the short term in that you get a numbing of emotions, or you get more confidence in social situations, or you get more relaxed, you can say the same thing for drug abuse. So the concept behind this is that we have links formed in our brains, between behaviors and the consequences. And of course, in this fetish, you have a positive consequence of the pleasure, the sexual pleasure, the orgasm, you have this association between the Fetish and the positive consequences. This is something that I spoke about in the conditioning section. And it’s important to note that this link does exist in your brain. The reason why this isn’t in the main course of things, and this is an interruption is because it’s just treating that link, it’s not actually treating the underlying cause. It’s just treating the association between the Fetish and the sexual pleasure. And that’s why I don’t actually think it’s very good. It doesn’t have to get to the root cause. It does have a lot of clinical evidence behind it, as I say, and it does definitely work. So you change the association, if you change the way that you associate this fetish. And if you start associating it with negative things, with bad things happening instead of pleasure, then you no longer want to engage in this behavior. It’s used in a whole host of other things, besides fetishes, but here’s the basic concept behind this, you think of the fetish, you imagine it and then you receive some sort of unpleasant punishment. And then you repeat this, and this conditions your brain into associating the Fetish with the unpleasant punishment. In a lot of the clinical trials, they’ve used really horrible things, they’ve used little electric shocks, they’ve used unpleasant smells, they’ve used just a slap around the face. But by doing this over and over again, your brain associates the Fetish with those bad things, and not sexual pleasure. By the way, of course, this isn’t advice. I’m, I’m not a doctor, remember this, I’m not giving you medical advice, because I think, I don’t think I’m allowed to do that. And even if I was a doctor, I really wouldn’t advise this. But the thing that I want you to learn from this is that fetishes are sexual associations, you do have this association in your brain. One method of healing this is to change the associate Association. Now, I would advise actually getting to the root cause and changing that too. But one of the things that you can do is to do this, alongside that, getting to the root cause, because you can attack this from the two different sides. Now, later on, I’m going to talk about covert sensitization, which is basically a better form of this. It’s a lot less unpleasant. But it does work. And I thought I’d put this in. Just so you know, fetishes are sexual associations. You can change the association to remove the fetish. But of course, it doesn’t get to the root cause. Cool

Aversion is a clinically proven method of changing your fetish. It’s got a ton of research backing it up and there’s no doubting its effectiveness.

However its 1) pretty unpleasant, 2) unnecessarily so, 3) still not getting to the root cause.

Furthermore it has a number of disadvantages when compared to β€œcovert sensitization” (see 1.5 Covert Sensitization).

Aversion addresses the link in your brain between the fetish and arousal, and changes it so that you link the fetish with something negative instead. Then, you simply no longer β€œlike” the fetish.

I don’t advise this. It doesn’t actually solve the problem, it just treats the symptom. It does work but it’s not the best method.

I’m only including it to help you to realise that this fetish is just a consequence of learned behaviour. And, I wanted to include as much clinically-proven evidence as possible.

The next technique is better!


Author(s) || Connor McGonigal

Website || howtostopbeingacuckold.com

Article || 1.4 Aversion

Date || Between May 21st and November 14th, 2018


tags: [“evergreen”]

contributors: ["Connor McGonigal"]

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