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 No.70358[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

This is part 11 of the webring thread, still going!

Last thread was lost after the soyjack raid so here's part 9: >>63471

How do I join?

* a link to your website
* a 240x60 banner of your website

* Post a link to your RSS feed on your site. Communicate with other Lains by responding to articles on their RSS feeds with responses on your RSS feed. If you're both subscribed to each others feeds, you'll see each others responses and can long-form communicate back and forth in a decentralized way.


Lainchan boards got restored from backups after a flood of spam, and some threads weren't in the backups. You can read about it at the top of the page.



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My personal website. It ain't much but it's honest work.




duude i already knew your page from surfing around neocities and i gotta tell, it's one of my favorite personal pages. it's not just the design, but i have a similar mentality/morals/fears to the ones reflected on your blog. I was actually considering sending you a mail telling you this, but i'm glad to stumble upon the author of eigenvoid over here :D



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my site. I still have a bit unfinished on it, but eh



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>>70358 (OP)
Personal site with a booru, imageboard, filehost, XMPP server, and articles on the main site.

Is it expected to make a webring page by scouring other lists, downloading all the banners to your site, and updating banners/sites by watching these threads? I'm unsure of how it's properly done and this system seems like it would result in lists that are mostly outdated.

An online dream journal is an interesting idea. I tend to have trouble remembering mine, and when I do it can be difficult to describe them without being extremely verbose. It seems to be much easier to recall old dreams while dreaming.



I would like to thank the webmasters who have added bass2nick.com to their webring pages.

Bonus thanks to Artic from The Arcade and sizeof(cat) for maintaining good webring pages. I used your pages as a starting point and put together
which is perhaps one of the more complete lists right now. Still need to populate tor and i2p; maybe I'll see about serving onion and eepsites.



the homepage has a tasteful amount of schizophrenia



>>70358 (OP)
I want to join the ring but I am struggling to come up with banner ideas. I am not a graphic designer and my website has nothing that resembles branding.
>How do I make a banner?
Also what is the best way to keep the index and link to the current webring thread up to date?



made a daily unique visitor counter, if anyone wants to implement one in their site but doesn't know how to,
Happy to be of service!



A delayed YW since I just got around to adding it...





>>70358 (OP)

The "How do I make a banner" question creeps up a lot and maybe it should be its own thread. Each person a part of this webring has a different way of doing it from a technical POV.

To speak personally. My logo was done in the free software known as "GIMP". pick a font, type some stuff, add another layer for the background, and smash as many combination filters in the 'render' category of GIMP until you get something cool.

With the age of GPT low-res background art is probably easier now.

I did animate my logo using OpenShot and FFmpeg (very multi-platform). But at 3MB I felt it was way too heavy to use on a webring.

From a creative POV. You put your artist hat on and try to determine in 240x60 pixels what the 'feel' of your website is going to be. If you are not a creative person then just fonts and primary website colors are more than enough!

If you are going for a particular aesthetic, there are a ton of tutorials on how to use paint software to make things like CRT scan lines, static, distortion, etc.

Best to you on finding your style. - S



Here are some ideas:
>plain 2 color banner where the only text is the name of your site. then just replace it later if you make a nicer one
I noticed multiple versions of some banners when I was making my webring page and I tried to select what looked like the "newest" one to me.
>pixel art that you like, can be self made (pixel art can be easy) or ripped from something. examples: a character from metal slug, something on nightt's retro art, an image you like with a pixel art filter slapped on it
>imitation of a certain button or font from a piece of software you like
>part of a photograph with your logo slapped on top
if you want, you can use a photo I've taken and I'll edit a banner for you if you don't know how to do so. Just preferably not posts 61 or 68 on my imagehost since I use those all over my own branding.

My own logo was made by taking pictures of a fossil I have and a moving a light strip around it. I did bulk edits in darktable and all the final work and animation in krita. I wish I could have a smoother look with 3x the frames, but I didn't think the resulting filesize would be respectful.

As for keeping up to date, I've seen a couple attempts such as
pointed out, and
which is more outdated but with some recent pull requests.
Ultimately I decided to write up the page myself in a spreadsheet and find-and-replace my way to victory. I also wrote a fancy script to tell if the sites were dead/under constr- lolno I visited every site manually and updated the page by hand.

Hey S-Config, I actually stumbled across your site on tor before I knew it was in the lainring. Do you have any suggestions or warnings for someone considering offering their site through tor? I was thinking of writing a redirect that prevents tor users from going onto pages that require JS. Also, I feel like I'd have to rewrite any media sources using absolute paths to prevent accidental loading from the clearnet domain, but I'm not certain. It might also be nice to override image size styling to make them smaller, but I'm not certain how to do this such that the images loaded are small but they retain links to the original.




Hey Nick,

To answer your questions about Tor. Mileage may vary on this advice as I'm using WordPress. I did have to sit down and re-write the hooks of WP-core to check against $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] making sure the client is coming in from the right address from nginx. If you are building your HTML static you don't have to worry about this.

I also had to set nginx to deny access to anything backend related like the admin panels to keep the script kiddies at bay. was getting annoying seeing hundreds of attempts a day.

As for image content, CSS font-family styling, etc. Yeah, I had to absolute path everything. Super annoying the first time you do it. Had to also tell WordPress to suppress the website address so it would go to

instead of


Javascript on Tor is not really a life/death thing back when I used javascript because all browsers honored <noscript> as a fallback. If you code your own JavaScript you shouldn't have a problem doing relative linking just like the images. I didn't code my own JavaScript and relied on code from commercial plugins that to be blunt was lazy.

As for general advice with Tor. It's almost the same as running clear-net web. watch out for anything that allows users to upload. like guestbooks. etc. If you do something like that, make sure it doesn't publish immediately and goes into a moderation queue for you to approve.

Treat Tor like it's the 1990s internet when Google doesn't exist. You got to get the word out that "you exist". If you ask people that host links to nicely to add your site. They probably will. Be patient. Might take a week or two before they do anything. If your server up-time is good eventually other tor sites will catch on and share the link around. Because Tor is still a small community you stand a fighting chance of someone finding your site versus the clear-net search engine hell.

For images, I didn't take the smaller/thumbnail path and instead went for optimization. Making alts for webp and avif (jxl is still hosted despite the browser industry crushing the standard). Might be problematic if I revise my site for 4k. But have not crossed that bridge yet.

Not sure if it helps. Hope it wasn't too spammy. But best of luck to you getting onto Tor. - S



Welcome to the Lainring, my copy is updated now.



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I am somewhat concerned about the possibility of my vps getting nuked on the same day my hard drive dies. Some other guy's git host is just another machine that has the potential to get nuked but it helps me sleep better knowing that at least 3 most recent copies of my site exist somewhere. Of course I could self host git on a different vps provider with a different domain name but I have not done this yet. I wouldn't lose anything because no one aside from the occasional spam bots seem to interact with any of my repos.



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Hello, don't know if anyone will see this but i was wondering if I could join this?

my site: https://theminuteman.neocities.org/



added to my copy. can't wait to see what your site becomes




and your site is? so I can add it to my webring.



It's this site:




It's now been added.



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Added to mine as well, but you might wanna re-make it 60 pixels tall (as opposed to 48px) so it matches the rest of the banners everyone else made.




The title was adjusted to pixel standards and inserted into my webring.

Welcome Aboard!

- S



I like web rings, but it seems like your sites are 90% aesthetic and 10% content. I would rather link your substack blog if it has cool articles on it.



>>70358 (OP)
really cool looking page, maybe make each shape on the top act as a specific section of the page

also, i gotta ask, how freaking old are you?? The tech section says you got your first phone ever 2 years ago.



Addendum: That's less of a problem on your site since you seem to have actually already put a lot of stuff on it (and it's pretty good!) but yeah I'd still recommend adding the demos and longer fiction. No such thing as too much, you know?



>maybe make each shape on the top act as a specific section of the page
That used to be the case but people told me that it was difficult to navigate (i.e. remember which shape led to which thing) and I figured that they were right.
>how freaking old are you?? The tech section says you got your first phone ever 2 years ago.
20. I have very strict parents.



I use a css class for the images to force 60x48. I like the idea of svg banners and am thinking forward.
peep my site. 0% design 100% content. I found it useful to write a post about the intention of my website so that I can always refer back to it's original purpose.
>My goal for this site is to use it as a dumping ground for my ideas. I also intend to publish other articles on the things I am doing at the time.
>This site will always be compatible
>This site will always be JavaScript free
>This site will always be minimally styled
>get paid
Of course, I have broken some of these intentions but I decided that building and hosting webshit toys does not really interfere with the main website.
Most of my information is OpenBSD specific because I use my website as a place to document my projects. Tor is fairly easy to add but i2p will significantly increase the amount of bandwidth your server uses. I would recommend securing the clearnet site first either way. I see that you are running multiple services. This isn't an issue normally but you have to be vigilant. Anywhere a client can input text is something you have to think about. This includes GET and POST requests and anything you parse logs with, not just form elements. Path traversal and injections are easy to detect and easy to prevent. The standard advice applies: use key based ssh authentication and disable password auth and maybe pam, don't install a webshell that allows you to get into the system without ssh keys, use a firewall, read your logs and mail occasionally, do backups if you consider your server "non-disposable", use daemon users (instead of fuarrrking root or a standard login user) for services that you want to reverse proxy to, etc. You can do lots of easy things to thwart drive-by skiddie spam.
For your meatspace issue, only share as much as you feel comfortable with. You can't really unpublish things from the internet so think about if you want these things permanently attached to this identity. Even if present you is okay with it future you might not be okay with it.
>how freaking old are you?? The tech section says you got your first phone ever 2 years ago.
a better response is
>old enough to know better
don't give them anything they don't need to know.



Knowing my age doesn't really narrow it down for anyone trying to uncover my identity.



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Updated my copy at
But had to use some thumbnails instead of the full-res banners because that's that archive.org saved after the flood. If anyone's copy of the webring has the updated full-res banners and animated gifs, I could use the heads up to update mine.





I want to hear about your life and not about something you're selling, so start publishing!



>>70358 (OP)
Where's thread pt. 10? =(



"disaster"? what happened?



spam from a certain unmentionable place involving unacceptable imagery. see blotter



What hosting do you use?
I use Nearly Free Speech myself.




Guessing this is a general question.

For me, it's a reseller for Vultr for my VPS. Clear-Net DNS via ENOM/TuCows. RapidSSL wildcard cert. Little pricey. But 8+ years going no problems.





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I prefer vps over shared hosting. It's more expensive and more work but it is more free in the sense that I can run whatever services I want to run and gain the ability to entirely avoid cpanel. I use vultr because they allow you to upload isos. Anything that runs on kvm should run on vultr. DNS is namecheap, I use acme.sh for ssl. So far, my accounts have not been terminated.
I have been thinking about building my own vps provider or shared hosting shell server for anons, lains, and frens but I haven't got that far yet. I am currently having a difficult time when it comes to working on projects.



I'm using a offshore hosting company, but I've had problems before with corporations trying to take my site down, so there's that. Shinjiru, PRQ, etc.



I have a vps from vultr, although I've been looking into switching to openbsd.amsterdam
I don't know how I feel about moving to a country in the 9 Eyes though



i rent one out from capsul.org, ran by cyberia.club
you may or may not be able to get one, they sent out an email a while ago saying that they're at max capacity and are preparing to install another server
i like them, but be aware that their OS images are outdated



grandiose little user. read more



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>>70358 (OP)
i'm pretty interested, for www.yo252yo.com, seems like a cool way to broaden my horizon!
but I don't trust myself with maintaining an up to date version of the webring, is there a canonical source of truth that I could iframe maybe?



Added to my list, the point is that the webring is decentralized, we don't have a central authority for it. If the central authority dies, we will still have the webring, in its current updated status but it's better than nothing.
So no canonical source of truth, but cosmica, sizeofcat, webring autist, all update as soon as possible.
Welcome to the lainring.



Thanks, that makes sense. In the spirit of decentralization, I have added a self-hosted banner at https://www.yo252yo.com/banner.gif

I did not realize how limiting Wordpress would be for any kind of iframing or cross domain stuff. But after a fierce battle I've managed to put up a reasonable looking version:




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I've updated it all with the ones from this thread. the last one I had from the last thread was eigenvoid, think that means I'm finally up to date again



nvm seems a bunch escaped cross referencing from other webring listings, I'll grab them tomorrow. for the off chance anyone actively wants to be on here and notices they're not. xn-neko from quite a lot of threads back, feel free to check if your soykaf is there: https://xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g/webring/ I do try to keep up with the threads and other listings but some people just escape completely



It's ok, it's not a full time job to update and you don't have to :)



I have added your website to my copy. There is no canonical source of truth but a few of us maintain somewhat current versions. At some point I need to write an uptime checker because a few of the links are now dead. My git repo is a version of sizeofcat's copy but I added some php and generate an opml file from the list of feeds. I'm not sure if wordpress and git play well together. See >>70678



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I made a quick script to create a gif of ECB encryptions of an image (felt cyberpunky hahaha)

Here are some results. Warning, it strobes fast.

Inspired by >>71058



Oh, and the awful script for anyone interested in tweaking it :)


from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import shutil
import subprocess
import os
import re
import secrets
import sys

def main():
cwd = os.getcwd()
filepath = os.path.join(cwd, f'photo.png')
idcmd = f'identify {filepath}'
res = subprocess.check_output(idcmd, shell=True, text=True)
width,height = re.search('(\d+)x(\d+)', res).groups()
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdirpath:
temprgba = os.path.join(tempdirpath, 'photo.rgba')
convertcmd = f'convert -depth 32 {filepath} {temprgba}'
for iteration in range(1, 100):
tempenc = os.path.join(tempdirpath, f'photo{iteration}.rgba')
tempout = os.path.join(tempdirpath, f'{iteration}.png')
r = secrets.token_hex(16)
sslcmd = f'openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -e -in {temprgba} -out {tempenc} -k {r}'
reconvertcmd = f'convert -size {width}x{height} -depth 32 {tempenc} {tempout}'
output = os.path.join(cwd, 'out.gif')
ffmpegcmd = f'ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 15 -i %d.png {output}'

if __name__ == '__main__':



File: 1689225993437-0.gif (17.93 MB, 468x311, 468:311, out.gif) ImgOps iqdb

and of course, it won't look too nice on high variation images like most real-world images.



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sometimes i think about updating my website

then I don't...



added some of the new sites to my site, added link to notes wiki, added note to outdated info, added rss



File: 1690145615569-0.gif (625.77 KB, 240x60, 4:1, n1lbanner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

hei, this is my personal site. there is still a lot i would like to add but w/ever



its got some great backgrounds, added to my site






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I want to explore the esoteric bimbo-bratz-barbie pink aesthetic and eventually completely remade the website in hot pink glitter. I plan to post more math and personal programming projects in the future.



I don't feel ready to post my site here. I mostly copied most of Sizeof(cat)'s style and still trying to learn Hugo.
Can someone explain to me the easiest way to display the webring in an Hugo post, please?



Nevermind, I got it working.



That's remember me a song of Coil.



it is, in fact, a reference to Coil!

“That’s one of the things about music that fascinates me most—how combinations of basic mathematical frequencies take on such extraordinary emotional power and suggest such meaning. I mean, how do—what are basically just sequences of vibrating tones at certain specific numeric values—make us all feel like they do? And not only that but why do we all, regardless of our cultural or ethnic origins, hearing a certain chord or tone, feel the more or less the same? I guess Jhonn was right: Angels ARE mathematical, after all.”



Still here, still updating, after almost two years.



updated and added.



I have updated my copy
added. Your https://andresz.xyz/posts/index.xml page might be what you're looking for. I'm not sure how your rss generation works either.



updated my copy and added



Website havers, am I better doing the layout, the stylesheet or the contents first?

I have a homepage and some articles written but everything is currently very bland ugly looking bare HTML, I want to make it look pretty, so I started making a proper stylesheet, but then I don't know if I'll want to change that when I make a decent layout, but then should I not write more stuff before trying to make it look nice?

I feel like I should know way more about HTML and what the site is going to be about before making a layout but I keep thinking about doing it.



>Website havers, am I better doing the layout, the stylesheet or the contents first?
everything at the same time. improvise



It doesn't matter, friend, content is king. I've read websites that output plain text without any CSS or JS.
Just write.




Content and aesthetics are not linked at the hip. Echoing others here. You can make content on plain-text html. using the very basics such as headers, bold, italics.

From there, you can add style/CSS later. Or, at the same time! This is kind of the beauty of running your very own website. There is no corporation that is telling you what to do or even when to do it. You are not locked into the format of another overlord. You are free.

Like all things art, you take inspiration from the things you've seen and experienced. Modify, and add it to your own creation.



It doesn't really matter. I do layout first, content second, then stylesheet last. Writing generic stylesheets helps a lot. Content is what matters most.



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I dunno if this is exactly the thing you guys are looking for but I lurk here and figured this thread was cool, so here's my website and my buddy who made it's website for our Team Fortress servers if that's up your alley. If not that's alright, just saw this and was like "huh, neat."





>>70358 (OP)
Hey guys, hope everyone's doing good. Haven't been here in a while. Any news to share?



Usually, when I'm building a new site from the ground up, my process will be:

>block out the basic layout in HTML using lorem ipsum for filler content

>start making it look cool with CSS
>start the process of building the PHP stuff I'll use to streamline content publishing and updates.

Just prior to push to production, I'll also do a webapp pentest to make sure I didn't fuarrrk up anything in my PHP to make it dangerous.

After initial push to prod, I now have a basic framework, and most everything else is just here-and-there piecemeal changes. I'll make CSS changes in a very "test in prod" way, while PHP changes will be tested on the dev setup before push to prod and if any PHP changes require input handling, I'll probably do a full pentest in the dev environment as well.

The raw HTML itself will likely not change too too much (it's a massive undertaking usually to modify something so built-in), but if I were to do so, it's usually to implement a major new feature. I haven't done anything like this on my current site, thusfar, though. Lots of CSS changes and a few new features over time, but no real HTML mods since the very beginning.


No new sites, but I changed my site's visual style pretty radically again, added a message board and a few other things that are documented in my changelog.

main URL:


Probably the most reliable way to access via clearnet atm:


Yes, it is significantly slower, less safe, and more error prone to use some offhand tor2web gateway like this; I advise just getting tor.



If I wrote a public site to keep track of weather sites in the webring are up or down, what would be a reasonable frequency for checking the status of sites?



Daily? It's not like somebody's life depends on the liveness of our websites :)



Probably monthly or quarterly 2bh. I think everyone updates pretty infrequently if the RSS is anything to go by.
I dont think a website should count as "down" unless the link actually 404's or the site is completely broken though.



would be cool if it had a master list of newly published articles from all the RSS feeds, like an aggregator.
also it could check for page updates. but not sure how to do that efficiently.



Sad to see the lain that ran minugahana shut it down, the compound coming up in my anki reps made me go check if it had any updates and welp. Keep your stuff up, laintachi.



add fake input fields and checkbox to your site and make them invisible. ban anyone who writes something in the input field or checks the checkbox. you could also require some self-hosted CAPTCHA or require mkproof (either for all new posts or just new threads).



Thanks, this is really helpful, I am chunking through the css tutorials on W3schools now to learn it and will try and put together some templated layout sheets tonight and insert my content into them tomorrow.

I have to do everything systematically or I get bogged down and end up going off on weird tangential tasks

I did this initially but after writing about 5 things I didn't feel excited about it anymore, I guess I wanted to see a website take shape, not a bunch of stuff in <p> and <h1> brackets that looks like a word document, like I think the content I've wrote is OK, not worse than some of the other stuff on the web ring, but it just looks like a textfile, it doesn't feel good to interact with



File: 1691012307718-0.png (3.68 KB, 240x60, 4:1, giggles_banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

Hello, this is my simple blog it does not have a fixed type of content and I dont create new posts in a regular manner too. Hopefully someone will enjoy.

I can feel free to add anyone from this thread my webring page?





Nice technical articles, welcome to the Lainchan webring



Thanks, I will add the banners in my webpage later. I was looking your posts and I enjoyed the BusKill thing a lot, I do this the poor way haha, I start a shellscript which query /dev/sdX if it dont exist then halt and catcha fire!.



added. I liked the article where you played with finger. I wrote a finger server myself (hooks into inetd).
With older finger servers it was possible to put ansi escape sequences in your ~/.plan so that when someone fingered your user they would get a very long ansi spinner. If you repeated something like:
the result would be an ansi spinner animation that stalls the finger program. ESR calls it the "twirling baton" animation but there are other possible animations. http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/P/plan-file.html



Whoa, so you already proved it works! my idea on playing with finger was trying something like this, but I wanted to make finger block on read so I let some code running to generate dynamic content. Unfortunately finger check if the plan file is a regular file and I can only make it open a fifo using race condition :|

I still need to add the banners, and I probably will do this at this weekend.



Thanks again,I have the website more or less together now and a bunch of entries written but I want more detailed stuff so I'm going to try and write a few more before publishing



updated. I might suggest that sites that don't have their own webring pages link to someone else's webring, like Eigenvoid does.

Before, I had noreferrer on my webring page, but I've taken that off so that you guys can see when traffic goes from my site to yours. I've gotten about 109 visitors from angelsaremathematical, and I wouldn't have known that if she disabled referrers.



this is my blog, i talk about assorted things. i just posted an article on aaron scwarz. https://blog.shr4pnel.com



and my RSS feed is available at https://blog.shr4pnel.com/rss.xml



Love the articles and the banner (lol)



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>>70358 (OP)
I don't really know what to do with this website, but i thought it would be fun to code it. Plz give ideas to this poor man. https://havinganame.neocities.org/



File: 1691640346964-0.png (6.78 KB, 240x60, 4:1, 260x120.png) ImgOps iqdb

This is my blog, where I talk about stuff and stuff
Feed is at https://microbyte.neocities.org/index.xml



Added, you were already in my feedreader.
I don't want to "decline" people because I don't get to decide who goes in and who goes out of the webring, but I guess you need some more content and decide what to do with the website? Maybe the other members can chime in?




i would agree with >>71825, the site is pretty empty, but i added you anyways

idk if i want to add stuff like this. yeah i'm not deciding who goes in and out of the webring, but i have a feeling that these websites don't really fit in and they don't have any links to the webring.
what do you think? should we add them?



also, how do you all feel about websites in the webring that do not link the webring in any way? they made no effort to help others and they just got free advertisement. should we link them?



What is that supposed to mean?




i wonder if my site could join



To be fair there's already a website for a Quake III arena community in the webring



File: 1691685790821-0.png (146.09 KB, 764x260, 191:65, pic.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1691685790821-1.jpg (130.95 KB, 604x595, 604:595, kotbeeru.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

the good thing about the web'''ring''' structured in this way is that everyone has a slightly different verison of the sites. some excluded some. some added some. its worthwhile to explore all the rings. also finally up to date again though somehow I always end up missing a bunch compared to the sizeofcat one.
early weekend drinking regards



I ended up adding the recent submissions to
but I might decide to move certain sites to my "empty & under construction" category or make another category for sites that warrant it.

I would prefer if the webring members not advertise discord or similar walled gardens on their sites, and that they not use tracking scripts. What is the point of a webring if it starts to morph back into corponet? Additionally, some sites have some serious readability issues. Please guys, don't trade basic readability for quirky formatting.

Some sites in my "dead" section could potentially be security hazards, particularly for users who do not use script blockers, so I am considering removing the links and only having the banners.

Also asking this.

I think what I'll do is wait a few days, then go through all the sites, and for those that do not also link my site, move it to a category which will be called "quasi-members" or something. This will be placed between the "empty" and "dead" categories, and the banner sizes will be reduced. However, sites that were part of the webring before I joined that don't link me will still be listed normally, though perhaps I will bump more recently updated sites up. Sites that excessively advertise walled garden services may be excluded outright.

Does anything I suggest sound unreasonable?



I think we can't expect people to add the webring page BEFORE asking here to be added, so giving them a week or so sounds like the sensible thing to do.
Also, if you encounter websites that are in the webring and they don't have the webring page, you should post them here so we can update our copies accordingly.
> I would prefer if the webring members not advertise discord or similar walled gardens on their sites, and that they not use tracking scripts. What is the point of a webring if it starts to morph back into corponet? Additionally, some sites have some serious readability issues. Please guys, don't trade basic readability for quirky formatting.
Totally agree, but each owner has their own website aesthetics in mind, and as long as the trackers aren't really annoying, it's ok I guess?
For me, the only requirements for a website to be added to the webring would be to have some kind of content, an about page, a homepage linking to some online friends, maybe a small links archive with stuff he or she found interesting, a picture of the family cat or something. Mainly the website to look personal and not something crafted for the clicks (and let me tell you, the webring definitely brings some traffic to your website, like >>71760 said. Don't expect thousands daily though, but those are organic visitors, real people.
> Some sites in my "dead" section could potentially be security hazards, particularly for users who do not use script blockers, so I am considering removing the links and only having the banners.
I have a "dead" section of my site too, and randomly clicking on it few days ago I noticed FönixFogelFuchs coming back online, so I updated the entry. I don't think we should remove websites, just mark them as dead/offline (maybe don't put anchors so people can click on them, just plain text?).
> the good thing about the web'''ring''' structured in this way is that everyone has a slightly different verison of the sites. some excluded some. some added some. its worthwhile to explore all the rings.
Exactly, that's the point. I think we're close to 120 sites in the webring so yes, make sure to browse around, you will find lots of gems.



I think one of the inherent strengths/weaknesses of anything decentralized like this is that you are going to have wildly different types of sites of varying quality in it, if there is no central authority deciding what the base line standard is or what the theme is actually supposed to be the community should either agree that to be in the ring you have to share the whole thing, trash and all, or that every member can display content from the ring however they like.

I don't see the varying kinds of sites as an issue, rather as a strength, the variety is really nice and kind of unusual for webrings, more content is definitely better than less though, 30 minutes writing is probably more worthwhile than 60 minutes fiddling around making a complex layout.



writing a finger server with inetd is pretty simple. I'm sure you could write one that supports CGI or some other simpler server scripting
added. Add lainfriends pls
added and ^
write anything. It doesn't matter. Just write.
added despite the pisscord link
I wrote the code for my lainring and deployed it shortly before making a post. I do the same when I update my copy. It's not unreasonable to prefer that members "join the ring" before announcing that they have joined the ring. As far as I was concerned, the only way to become a member of lainring is by hosting a copy of the ring itself. Asking to join the ring in this specific general can't possibly be a requirement for a decentralized webring because it implies centralization. I think that even "asking to join" is somewhat of an incorrect phrase because it seems like more of an announcement of membership.



blog.shr4pnel.com webmaster. away from computer until tomorrow, but i’ll get the webring buttons up soon



examples of websites in the webring that do not link the webring in any way (at least i didn't find anything):

i wrote the comment on his neocities profile asking why he doesn't have links despite so many people linking him and you know what? he deleted the comment

also https://skumsoft.ltd/slimenet/
i really like the website though but it is like kicking dead whales down the beach that he doesn't link anyone. so many people have slimenet linked, imagine how many views the site got without giving anything in exchange

there so much more of such websites in the webring sadly



Added, and I was really behind on updating my webring page, lol. The ring is getting pretty big and I might take off any buttons that lead to dead webpages.
I agree with the sentiments other Lainons had ITT that anyone who wants to "join" the ring should host a copy of it, or at the very least say something like "webring page coming soon(tm)" in their introductory post.



I think we should remove them (the websites that don't host a copy of the webring). If someone has the time and wants to make a list of them, we'll be forever in debt (if we decide to remove).
Our webring doesn't have many requirements but i think hosting the webring page should be a requirement.



Sounds good honestly, how about from the next thread going forward sites will be removed and not added until they have a copy of the webring



i think it would be a good idea to contact the sites in question first before removing them and ask them to link a webring version of someone else

same applies to websites that DO actually have a webring page, but link like 5 pages or something



updated your code a bit, now it allows you to tinker with the settings using argparse.
i also fixed openssl giving an error saying it needed either "-pbkdf" or "-iter", so i just passed "-iter 1"



from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

import argparse
import subprocess
import re

from random import randbytes

from os import system, chdir, getcwd, urandom
from os.path import join

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", help="Amount of iterations", default=100, type=int)
parser.add_argument("-d", "--depth", help="Image depth", default=32, type=int)
parser.add_argument("-f", "--framerate", help="Final gif framerate", default=15, type=int)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output file", default="out.gif", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--cipher", help="Cipher to use", default="aes-128-ecb", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--key-size", help="Amount of bytes for the encryption key, doesn't really matter", default=8, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--hwgen", help="Use hardware rng instead of python's builtin rng", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("file", help="File to convert", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()

cwd = getcwd()

def main():

res = subprocess.check_output(
f"identify '{args.file}'",
shell=True, text=True

size = re.search(r"(\d+x\d+)", res)
if not size:
raise Exception("Could not get image size")

size = size.groups()[0]

with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdirpath:

temprgba = join(tempdirpath, "photo.rgba")
system(f"convert -depth {args.depth} '{args.file}' {temprgba}")

for iteration in range(1, args.iterations):

tempenc = join(tempdirpath, f"photo_{iteration}.rgba")
tempout = join(tempdirpath, f"{iteration}.png")

r = urandom(args.key_size) if args.hwgen else randbytes(args.key_size)

system(f"openssl enc -{args.cipher} -e -in {temprgba} -out {tempenc} -k {r.hex()} -iter 1")
system(f"convert -size {size} -depth {args.depth} {tempenc} {tempout}")


system(f"ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate {args.framerate} -i %d.png {join(cwd, args.output)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":



Hello, it's been a little moment, da skool caught up with me.
Where can I find a resource to update it? I believe there used to be a git page or something.
Also, is there a way to kinda automatize RSS when I write all my pages manually on the Neocities interface?



Thank for making my code less soykaf :)



artic, sizeofcat, webring autist, i think they are updating it the fastest.



> i wrote the comment on his neocities profile asking why he doesn't have links despite so many people linking him and you know what? he deleted the comment

kek, dat sounds like godcock. i understand where you're coming from, but, to me at least, it's not just about the diversity of sites on the ring, but also the diversity of personalities.

idk if i want to add stuff like this.

yea I feel you here. it's funny because one of 'em actually has a personal site: https://bobatealee.com/ not that it perfectly fits either but these feel a little detached. dat said, pretty sure we have like a doom mod site or something on the ring, so there's a little precedent?



File: 1691908540039-0.gif (1.7 MB, 320x294, 160:147, 1587477421081.gif) ImgOps iqdb

hey fellahs. been a frequent poster in these threads for awhile also advertised the ring around other places since i love the project. but haven't worked on a site yet! can ya believe it!?

i've got some questions about hosting. i was planning on using neocities to host since that's where most of the people without their own domain are located. never used it before, nor its predecessor GeoCities.
i'm used to using git for static websites. so... HOW do you make/update neocities sites, is it all manual? is there a page editor in the browser people are using to work on their sites? that wouldnt be appealing to me i'd prefer to push my code from a repo.

alternatively, any free TLD's or subdomain identities i could grab and point that to a regular github/gitlab pages location? i remember .tk being cool but they were shady back in the day. they'd insert ads on the page when you weren't visiting it from the IP it was registered on. hmmm actually ill just get a .xyz domain theyre like $3.
but if anyone has some thoughts/ideas, might be helpful to other people that dont wanna pay.

BTW, would any of you be annoyed if I used some big corp like github pages to join the ring? would any of you not want to add me to your links on that basis?




I can't talk about Neocities because I never used it, there are plenty of cheap domain names (you should really get your own and not rely on Neocities for that).
The only people I would "deny" would be because of too little site content. Feel free to use whatever you want and feel comfortable using.



>HOW do you make/update neocities sites, is it all manual?
Yes. Unless you're using a template or an external program to generate it you have to code the website from scratch.
>is there a page editor in the browser people are using to work on their sites?
There is but it's kinda laggy and crap and I'd recommend writing the code in an external text editor (I prefer notepad++ cause it's extremely simple but you 1337 hacker types might like that fancy pants "vim" I keep hearing about) and just ctrl c ctrl v it into the neocities editor.
>that wouldnt be appealing to me i'd prefer to push my code from a repo.
I don't know if you can do that *specifically* but that's because I've never tried to.
>BTW, would any of you be annoyed if I used some big corp like github pages to join the ring? would any of you not want to add me to your links on that basis?
Honestly most people probably don't care that much (aside from earlier people were moaning about linking to cancerware like discord, and frankly I feel the same) but the only real requirement for being a part of the webring is hosting a copy of the webring page.

Basically do what >>71901 said and just use whatever feels natural to you. Also, yeah make sure your site actually has stuff on it before you post it ITT.



the diversity of personalities has nothing to do with what i said. people can be whatever they want as long as they link the webring. i would even link these team fortress websites, but these guys just seem to want some free advertisement



>>71901 >>71902
thanks for the feedback. just did some quick research; neocities has their own CLI client for interacting with your site. seems like i'll be content just using neocities.



I really second >>71901 advice about getting your own domain name since you haven't started yet. It can be a good thing to "own" your urls. Check this link out for free domains: https://free-for.life/#/?id=domains

I understand, I also understand desire for people having copies of the webring. By all means, encourage away. Just keep in mind that our key element is decentralization. You'll find many people here pretty lax about forcing people to do things on their site. Someone might come along and be like, "I will only link sites whose opinions I agree with." I'd personally disagree with that, but it is their autonomy. Same as it is our autonomy to link back to them or not. It's definitely a balance, yo. I just feel we should be more wary of sites that clearly don't fit (like an online marketer, just as an example) rather than looking to pick a fight with godcock who, yes does not have a mofo copy of the webring, what is wrong with him, but he clearly belongs / fits here.



I've noticed some of you with cool ideas for the webring so I just wanted to re-highlight an idea I've had for awhile now.

If you aren't familiar with the concept of Planets / feed aggregation / live feeds:


I understand everyone has their own reader, but I think it'd be cool to have something like the following for the lainring, check these out (just as examples):

- https://news.indieweb.org/en
- https://tilde.team/~zinricky/agora-feed/
- https://hn-blogs.kronis.dev/all-blogs.html

Just bringing this up cause I'm not big brain enough to do it myself, but I don't think it'd be a hard thing to do...



don't use the official neocities cli, it's terrible, and that's if you can get it to work. use one of the many alternative clients

i had considered doing this for my own website, but then i never finished it and i'm still just a lurker...



ahhh there are advanced thingies going on I can't just copy paste the html. I'll do it manually and leave it as punishment for my neglect



here's a small automation using bash might be useful to some


SITE_DIRECTORY=img/webring/ # you need to leave a trailing slash


FILE=$(echo $1 | awk -F/ '{print $NF}')
read -p "URL?: " URL

echo "<a href=\"$URL\"><img src=\"$SITE_DIRECTORY$FILE\" alt=\"$URL\"/></a>"

neocities upload -d $SITE_DIRECTORY "$1"



you can use custom domain names for github/gitlab pages but it makes ssl difficult. I have used neocities before and it's just as much of a pain in the ass as any other shared static hosting provider. No easy git or even rsync support. There is a ruby command line client but it does not work as I expected it to.
My honest advice is to pay for a domain name and a vps because the initial effort of assembling a web server is less than the continuous effort of fighting with cpanel or whatever your provider is using.



rss noob here, I might start writing on my blog again soon enough, I was wondering how to get an rss feed going.
got any suggestions?



much appreciated, thanks



lol /g/ tried to make a webring and it was just autistic overcomplicated nonsense:

wonder if anything will come out of it?



File: 1691953388981-0.jpg (121.75 KB, 750x657, 250:219, Penisive coach Z.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Nope. Mmmmmaybe they'll get as far as getting the actual webring up but it'll collapse in six months either from drama or neglect. 4chan honestly really, really is like kicking dead whales down the beach at collaboration these days. It's really depressing how far that site's fallen.



That looks weirdly messy. Is anyone here from the start of this webring? I've been here since 2021 and I think it was then the 5th if not the 6th thread already. Kinda curious how it went here



I've made some changes to my webring page and now people can copy paste the HTML code for the current members into their website page as quick as saying ... cowabunga! :D
No idea, I joined in Feb 2022, maybe getimiskon or ophanim know more.
FINISH HI... I mean it. Hope you got the Mortal Kombat reference.
Great idea as always, I wanted to do this on my website but it's static and I can't do it with JavaScript only because of CORS.



well at least /g/ users don't take themselves seriously unlike this website lol, lain user



Yeah, well, cry me a river, we have a webring, reminds me when /g/ gets something done together, and I don't mean STDs.



there you go, got an rss feed now



File: 1692029691940-0.png (2.01 KB, 240x60, 4:1, gamajun.png) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1692034341060-0.png (99.18 KB, 504x504, 1:1, lain_suit.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Is anyone here from the start of this webring?
I have been here since late August of 2020. Almost three years :)
Ophanim joined the webring much later, the website has been the first as they made the GitHub repo for the webring. I think you can also contact Yukinu, the person who actually created the webring.



stupid good ascii for a first try, give pablodraw a shot too since ur source said ur on vim. always had good experiences with it for very detailed pieces, once used to some of the awkward keybinding choices for common characters.
not sure if it's intentional but the links on ur homepage are off-screen on my 1080p monitor, only visible in the source. might need to change fontsize based on window size if committed to no scrollbars?



pablodraw sounds nice, will certainly look into it.
also, thank you for reporting the issue. i played with css a bit and apparently lost, well soykaf happens.



I set up proper RSS now!!!
I'll figure out how to make separate feeds for music and art because I can't use the same system.



File: 1692060312048-0.jpg (57.54 KB, 510x680, 3:4, gurg.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

thank you very much for dumb retard accommodation we need any support we can get...



~ Lainchan Webring History ~

pt1 (Unknown)

pt2 (Unknown)

pt3 (Unknown)

pt4 (41189): Not on Wayback Machine

pt5 (46277): https://web.archive.org/web/20210807142005/https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/46277.html

pt6 (49373): https://web.archive.org/web/20211112180958/https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/49373.html

pt7 (54827): https://web.archive.org/web/20220323233422/https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/54827.html

pt8 (58746): https://web.archive.org/web/20220910112122/https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/58746.html

pt9 (63471): https://web.archive.org/web/20230623171712/https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/63471.html

pt10 (68824): https://web.archive.org/web/20230608152941/https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/68824.html

pt11: You're on it, yo.

In pt7 there was an interesting discussion about old thread archives that didn't really go anywhere except for the fact that yukinu.com allegedly had a blog post with those very thread archives. Unfortunately, when I used the Wayback Machine on yukinu.com I could not find it. yukinu also replied saying that they'd apparently lost some files from the original site :(



So I was looking about something related to the webring last night. Fortunately, I still have some pages from posts that I have removed from the website a long time ago. In a removed post I made about joining the webring, I added a link to that thread. I decided to look it up on the Wayback Machine and fortunately there were a few snapshots of it.




getimiskon, sizeof(cat) and I were able to scrounge up pt2 & pt3.

pt2 (33813): https://web.archive.org/web/20201201190843/https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/33813.html#33813

pt3 (37647): https://web.archive.org/web/20210103201846/https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/37647.html

Like I posted earlier pt4 is not on Wayback, but getimiskon had the bright idea of checking the archives for the board itself and you can see the first few posts from it via this archive:




woah such a nice website



two new feeds for my other content
since there's no tool around this typa stuff my little brain can manage I wrote a bash script, enjoy:


SITE_DIRECTORY=img/art/ # you need to leave a trailing slash


read -p "Filename?: " NAME
read -p "Comment?: " COMMENT

echo "<img tabindex=1 src=\"$SITE_DIRECTORY$NAME.$EXTENSION\" alt=\"$NAME\"/><span class=\"f\"><img src=\"$SITE_DIRECTORY$NAME.$EXTENSION\" alt=\"$NAME\"/></span>"

DATE=$(date +"%d/%m/%Y")

echo "<p>($DATE) $COMMENT</p>"

DATERSS=$(date -R)

# modify to your liking

<title><![CDATA[ $NAME ]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[ <p>($DATE) $COMMENT</p>
<img src=\"img/art/$NAME.$EXTENSION\" alt=\"$NAME\"/> ]]></description>
# no idea why the fuarrrk do i need this

if [ -f "file.tmp" ]; then
rm file.tmp

echo "$RSS_ENTRY\n" >> file.tmp

sed -i '/<!\[CDATA\[ da art feed \]\]><\/description>/r file.tmp' $RSS_FILE
sed -i -e '/\\n/d' $RSS_FILE # this neither

neocities upload -d $RSS_DIRECTORY $RSS_FILE



It's very weird that I've not been few months on this webring, but more than 2 years by now. Also it's weird to see sites being posted which are now dead or haven't been updated in long time. Still, was very fun looking at the archives.



The glagolitic script, nice. I just visited the place where the "Anthology of Tkon" and "The Code of St.Benedict" originate from, both texts written in the glagolitic script, are you from Croatia?
Nice to see someone use it, I've always wanted to incorporate it into my site somehow...



That's very cool!
No, I am not Croatian, I am a different flavor of Slav.

By the way, if you really want to incorporate glagolitic into your website, it is absolutely possible to get a glagolitic domain name.
Lowkey considering getting a punycode domain myself, ha-ha.



added. How is Void compared to OpenBSD? One of the biggest reasons I like OpenBSD is the lack of general GNUisances. One time I installed Gentoo with musl libc instead of glibc but portage and many system tools still depend on GNU coreutils. I have also played with Alpine Linux a little bit but OpenBSD really feels like home for me.
this breaks my opml generation. I got the link list working but it's hacky with newlines.
I did something similar but I'm still rendering it on the fly with php. I removed most of the unnecessary stuff, moved the important css rules to the document, and removed my header/footer. https://0x19.org/lainring/static.php

Not sure if we post website updates here but I've been very busy. No new posts. tor mirror is still up, i2pd crashes occasionally but it appears to be up most of the time. I haven't been working on projects at all. I helped a friend with his R blogdown site breaking but that's about it. Lately I have been thinking about how internet interactions are sufficiently indistinguishable from solipsistic thought processes.



I started a spreadsheet to figure this out. It has columns for rating whether the site has a webring page, as well as other reasons you might want to exclude it (assuming some people don't like discord/google/etc). If any other lains feel like helping check this, just call out the range of rows you'll check, then re-host (or send me, and I'll do it for you) an updated spreadsheet when you're done. My apologies if I've been unfair to anyone in my comments here, I did check nearly 50 sites manually, but didn't read and explore everything on each site. It would also be helpful to get multiple opinions on the document after it's been filled out to make sure the decisions are sound.
If you send me an updated copy, it'll be available at this same address when I upload it.

My default position on sites I tag to keep, yet they have no lainring/it's super outdated, would be that we should contact them, provide resources to help in updating, and remove them if they don't (or move them into a lower category on our rings).

I still need to update my lainring to include gamajun and reflect some decisions from the spreadsheet, but I'll probably wait for all sites to be considered + give the newest guys some time to settle. Also been busy working on a new article, which I put up today! Give it a read if you like photography or image editing.
Beautiful webring page. Might I ask you to incorporate my feed?



apologies I do everything with hacky scripts because it's the only thing I can wrap my head around, if I figure it out I'll make it better, but people unfortunately need to write around my bad code most of the time



just looked at your doc, I can speak arabic. it's a nice little website but there is definitively no webring. language diversity is cool I hope the author adds one if somebody reaches out to them



Void is a very simple, fast (while the performance of OpenBSD can be a serious dealbreaker, unfortunately) and overall nice Linux distro. Musl version is well maintained and I had no issues with it so far. But as an OpenBSD user you should keep in mind that Void isn't as well documented as OpenBSD (that's what I really love about OpenBSD, they have high standards for docs). There are no actual resources aside from the handbook and online communities. Also, OpenBSD felt a bit more…idk, coherent? Not sure if that's the right word.



File: 1692194503393-0.png (13.7 KB, 240x60, 4:1, medium.png) ImgOps iqdb

I've moved my site to https://varchar.neocities.org, and changed the banner accordingly. Apologies for any inconvenience



no worries, updated my webring



Agora Road does have the ring, and they do make it quite accessible (the right-most navigation tab on the top, on every page...). It is outdated though, but if you ask for your site to be included, it gets done. I know from experience.



this has been a great help as i slowly update my page. love your content, thank you for the hard work.

and your art is brilliant. thank you for sharing it:)




I've gone through and updated the entries for the tor sites and dead sites + integrated feedback from this thread (spreadsheet is at the same link as last time). At some point I'll need to dig through the archives and add any missing sites, unless someone feels like doing that for me.

Appreciate it. I'll keep the site on my ring.
I see it now! Will still be removing from my ring later. No other site gets close to this amount of bloat, besides a couple in my "dead" section whose parked domains redirect to ads.
It's all cool, thank you for updating.
Glad I could help.



thank you very much... I try to read all of the blogs here and yours is one of my favorites
everyone in general should keep posting their stuff there are more eyes on it than you could think and it's really neat



Very cool that the webring is still around and grew in size. I check the threads every now and then. From my visitor counter I can tell you that it's really worth it to join.



the /aicg/ bunch made a webring for their ai characters tho



is there an easy way to add a visitor counter while using hugo?



sorry that was a retarded question. one google search later and i found goatcounter.



File: 1692820703421-0.png (11.64 KB, 240x60, 4:1, kalobanner.png) ImgOps iqdb

here it comes sir, thank you



that site is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen



added to mine



you could do it pretty easily with cookies to a good degree of accuracy



File: 1692857690165-0.jpeg (79.16 KB, 960x500, 48:25, the-net.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

present day, present time

>Is anyone here from the start of this webring?
yes, I actually made the first thread back in july 2020. I check on the threads every now and then (although my copy of the webring definitely needs some updating, sorry for that anons). also still make posts on my site when i have the time and inspiration, its come a long way since the first thread

>yukinu.com allegedly had a blog post with those very thread archives. Unfortunately, when I used the Wayback Machine on yukinu.com I could not find it. yukinu also replied saying that they'd apparently lost some files from the original site :(
I recovered a lot of my archive and dug through my old files, here is pt1, pt3 (has more posts than the wayback snapshot), and pt4.




added. digging the design choices


added, but link the webring, please



as soon as I make one



did you get my email T_T



anyone know why with goatcounter it's only showing "/" under the pages section of the dashboard? in screenshots ive seen it track views to individual pages. i added the script to my hugo page template and i can see it's in there when i view the source of a random page.



Does anyone have experience using both Hugo and Zola and have an opinion on which is "better"?



File: 1693087961093-0.png (15.48 KB, 565x151, 565:151, hugo.png) ImgOps iqdb

Short version:


* Bigger community.
* More plugins and themes available.
* More documentation and examples available.
* Quite fast build and iteration times (although both are fast).
* Available in many package repos (although Zola may be available in the package repo you are using, and it's a single binary).
* Similar deployment model as Zola (single file, statically compiled binary).

Long version:

It depends on the use case. Neither is outright better or worse than the other, the choice of an SSG depends on many factors:

1. The scope of the site that you want to create. If you site has a limited scope, then you'll likely need only a few plugins. In that case, you have more flexibility in choosing an SSG, since any one of them likely has the plugins you'll need (such as a markdown to html plugin). If the scope is more broad and you plan on extending your site in the future, you may want to go with a more popular SSG (Jekyll or Hugo), since there will be more plugins and documentation available.
2. The number of plugins and themes that you want. Similar reasoning as point 1. However, if you need a lot of custom plugins that don't exist in any SSG, then you have more flexibility in choosing an SSG.
3. How comfortable you are with various programming languages. Similar reasoning as point 2. If you need a lot of custom plugins, you'll be doing a lot of programming, and so might want to pick an SSG that is written in a language that you are already familiar with.
4. How quickly you want to create a site. If you just want to build and iterate quickly, a more popular SSG might be a better choice, since you can just use a bunch of prebuilt plugins and themes for most of the heavy lifting. Granted, your site may look a bit similar to the boilerplate's examples in the given SSG in this case.

Chances are that for most people Hugo will be a better choice, just given the larger community and more documentation/examples, and the fact that many sites don't need a lot of customization (and when they do, a plugin for it is usually available).



sorry for responding so late:) you shouldve gotten a message back by now



It took me some good amount of effort to build my website and I am proud of it and I am happy to be in the lainring but I haven't wrote a new post in weeks and I have no idea what to write about kek.

This feels so annoying.



File: 1693349503115-0.png (805.63 KB, 1659x927, 553:309, redchanit lainring.png) ImgOps iqdb

Got off my lazy ass to include the lainring. I apologize for coming off as wanting free advertising. Matchaland will likely not participate in this so feel free to remove it




welcome to the cult :)



File: 1693412988858-0.webm (526.96 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Battle_of_wits_3075435487….webm) ImgOps iqdb [play once] [loop]

Good morning, lainons. I don't really participate in the webring anymore, but just letting you know that the URL for the Tor hidden service for Let's Decentralize has changed. Vultr threw a hissy fit over high CPU usage from compiling some software and deleted my VPS without emailing me about it first. I lost a few backups that hadn't made it to offline storage yet. The server is on a different provider now. The new link is also on the front page of the clearnet site (https://letsdecentralize.org) if you don't believe me.
Thank you, and have a blessed day.



dw about it I was worried because I was unsure it even sent lol take your time



Just a reminder for anyone who missed it



holy cow redchanit is still around? isn't that maymay like old enough to fuarrrk by now?



File: 1693690816442-0.gif (151.88 KB, 240x60, 4:1, crystal-tilde.gif) ImgOps iqdb

My humble (and quite boring) personal website, for now its empty, and the banner is like kicking dead whales down the beach (i never did graphic designing in my life, sorry for that !!!)




It's nice to see the youngins getting into this stuff. I hope stick with your website, it's too easy to forget about it or neglect it. Happy early birthday.
>(i never did graphic designing in my life, sorry for that !!!)
Looks to me like it's your passion actually



cool stuff! added

hey you actually put in the effort of adding the webring to your site, I respect that, added



Don't forget to add your copy of the lainring page to your website!




I chose Zola and it's fine to me, but if you want to find lots of ready things go for Hugo



Sorry for the double bump, but
Maybe a system with points can work better?




OMG thank y'all, tbf i wasnt expecting my website to even get noticed lol !!! I sure will add the lainring to my website, and i hope i wont disappoint you with future updates



my eyes hurt
add lainfrens plox
I'll need to check your servers out. I'm always down for tf2
kids born in 2005 are now 18. I think it's time for me to stop being at computers.



>kids born in 2005 are now 18. I think it's time for me to stop being at computers.

No one is "too old" to still enjoy computers hehe, also yeah...crazy how time flies fast!!



I want to bake a website as well, looks fun.



I can relate to that. I want to make the website, but I realized I am very self-conscious about it.



Hey Lains
I'm setting up a blogging flow using nixos, org-mode, and ox-hugo.

I've extended the bare-bones hugo-bearcub https://themes.gohugo.io/themes/hugo-bearcub/ theme, but it still feels too clean. I'm trying to have everything clean, readable, and nice to use, but I don't want someone to use a blogpost of mine in a standup meeting. Generally, I want it to be crufty enough that I _lose_ credibility without sacrificing the usability of the blog --- even on differently sized viewports.

Does anyone have suggestions?



honestly just not having the ability for anyone to comment on your posts can really alleviate that concern. you might be surprised at how the worry just evaporates. although having said that am personally not in the webring specifically because of anxiety that the site would be commented on in these threads.




When I see people submit their sites it's often met with positivity. Even when people ask others here for advice on making their site better. That's the neat part of webrings. More personal.

Comments are all about how you view it. Getting legit comments versus the deluge of spam means people are reading. nice. Might get the reaver-meat-space level hate comment from time to time. Which eh, comes with going public. Unless it's valid criticism I'd just laugh and destroy.



Overall it's funny how we live in a world that forces people to be open, yet it makes us being afraid to be in the open. Or maybe my wetware is broken, that's possible as well.



I've always wanted to make a web page but I've have felt I don't have the time to learn. I'm realizing more these days that its better to put in small chunks of time than none at all. Does anyone have any direction they can give me? I don't want to make excuses anymore



Yeah I also do have a motivation crisis, so hear me out. In my opinion, the small chunks of time will be more of a hassle than you might think. I advice to just do it, and continue to do it whenever you have the inspiration to do so, otherwise the project may be left unfinished. Just do it, totally worth the headache and the feeling of hopelessness, because in the end, after you made your site, the dopamine hits really well. So, go and do it.



I deleted my post earlier because it seemed redundant with the other lain talking about making one, but I really appreciate the advice



File: 1694228365332-0.jpg (67.23 KB, 500x728, 125:182, 004.JPG) ImgOps Exif iqdb

well now I feel double stupid because I didn't actually delete it.



>>70358 (OP)
My site? https://risingthumb.xyz
Attached is my Banner image.

Also my RSS feed: https://risingthumb.xyz/Writing/Blog/index.rss

Ain't much, but it's honest werc



Hey fren, nice articles! Welcome to the Lainring.
Did some changes to my webring pages, added options for people to import the RSS feeds of the members into Newsboat and sfeed, added another section for webmaster who want to add the webring banners to their site (now you can copy/paste both HTML and Markdown) and as a bonus, added a RSS planet-like-thingy for the members, so visitors can view the latest 30 articles from the webring. It's not working amazing (for some reason I cannot see now it doesn't see RisingThumb's pubDate correctly) and is using sfeed to generate the feedlist.
I'll work on it some other day but for now it is what it is.
Let me know if there are any suggestions!
P.S. Statistics: 123 members with 824 articles. Not bad at all.



Oh, I know why the pubDate is not parsed correctly.
if (!strtotime(fields[FieldUnixTimestamp], &parsedtime) 
The pubDate in RisingThumb's RSS cannot be parsed by strtotime.
> <pubDate>Tue Aug 22 00:00:00 UTC 2023</pubDate>
should be in this format:
> <pubDate>Tue, 22 Aug 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
I think.



>>72689 >>72690
Good catch! I probably should have validated my RSS feed. You're completely right about the dates being wrong, it wasn't in RFC822 format. I thought date spat out RFC822 format dates but it needed the -R flag. Anyway, I've fixed it. Thanks for the shout about it!

As for not working amazingly, it's probably having to take none-RFC822 format dates in the RSS. RSS spec states it should be that way, but then you have people who forget to validate their RSS or are just very special

Thanks for the feedback on the site fren!



File: 1694474248616-0.gif (193.71 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

After a while I updated my side of the webring again. There are probably still many site missing so if I missed yours let me know.
Also, updated my banner.
Here my info for the people who didn't add me:
URL: https://grafo.zone
RSS: https://grafo.zone/index.xml



cool site, added!
that's on hell of a redesign, I like it a lot, especially your banner.
also if you want the fully updated webring there's always sizeofcat's download or mine




added, nice stuff and design
it was always very creative but I like this iteration more, good vibes



suggesting people remove https://tard.zone from their rings. stupid edgy bullshit



I feel like you have an ax to grind with that person but I did remove the website from my copy of the ring; it's not like I don't appreciate swastikas as much as everybody does, but it just barely counts as content. It's the first site i've ever removed, so ...
Being a decentralized webring it means that everybody is free to keep or remove it from their copies.



File: 1694566787319-0.jpg (26.24 KB, 479x544, 479:544, 623a30e3980b0ebb.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

And that makes it any less deserving of being on the ring?



I just thought you should know that I like tard.zone and his windmill fanclub. Don't worry! :)



dang this is a funny site i should check out the rest of the webring I hope it has more soykaf like this rather than the empty blogs I'm used to

thank you mister tard.zone you're a top notch retard please go easy on the weed



I went the
>grind w3schools and memorize everything there is to know about front end webshit
route. Lately I'm recommending https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn because MDN is a better resource. Start small. Iterate upon previous work. Build a few stupid test projects to build confidence. If you have content ideas right now, write them and hold onto them until you stand up your website.
>after you made your site, the dopamine hits really well
yes and no. The inspiration comes and goes. It's not a job, it's a hobby
added. I was only slightly disappointed to read the http response headers just to discover that this webserver is running debian instead of 9. I run 9.0x19.org on 9front with werc and rc-httpd. It mostly works. I really didn't think it would have been online this long but it's somehow less work than my main site. 9front's git implementation likes to crash a lot, especially with a lot of binary files, so some of the things I previously hosted there have been moved to other sites.
updated. I like how your site loads instantly while preventing the soulcrushing feeling mine gives me.
I disagree. He has a cool page of urbex, the uncle ted library, and a gallery of windmill photographs. Requesting for anons to ostracize a guy because you don't like his website is pretty cringe bro.

For my own site, not much has changed. Still no time. Still no inspiration. I've been considering going X-less for a few weeks, throwing my phone into a cone crusher, and writing about the experience but I really feel like it doesn't fit into the 0x19 goal because my intentions are the opposite of "purely technical". I don't know what it is but I have some inhibition when it comes to adding anything *too* personal to 0x19.

forgot to reply. In my experience OpenBSD isn't too slow once it's been running for a while. The random relinking seems to only affect the initial spawning of a process but decreases to linuxish speeds with subsequent runs. You should also consider enabling smt if you don't run javascript and random soykaf you download from the internet. Coherence is definitely something that I like about OpenBSD. It's a singular project with a singular goal and this removes much of the cognitive dissonance that arises when you use linux too much. My only experience with void is attempting a musl install, documentation did not exist, so I did gentoo+musl instead.



I suggest you chop off your dingaling and balls since you obviously don't use them, you uptight dweeb



stop acting like a user



Just checked out this site and I love it, it's funny and has a decent aesthetic. You suck



> added. I was only slightly disappointed to read the http response headers just to discover that this webserver is running debian instead of 9. I run 9.0x19.org on 9front with werc and rc-httpd. It mostly works. I really didn't think it would have been online this long but it's somehow less work than my main site. 9front's git implementation likes to crash a lot, especially with a lot of binary files, so some of the things I previously hosted there have been moved to other sites.

9front is awesome. Your site is awesome too. Perhaps disappointing, but maybe I can give you this statically compiled consolation prize :P Main reasons I'm running a debian install, is least of all costs(VPS for a 9front box) and most of all time to actually move things to the 9front box, figure out rc-httpd. Also if you haven't reached out, ask the bloke who maintains werc.cat-v.org to add you to the powered list. You seem like an active werc user, and I've not seen many folks use werc in the wild.

You may also be interested in some of my apps for Werc:
Gallery for image listings instead of dir listings: https://cgit.risingthumb.xyz/cgit/gallery.git/
Different blog tool: https://cgit.risingthumb.xyz/cgit/goralog.git/
Personal patches for dirdir making it more usable(upload file, large text, new folder/file, delete page/folder): https://cgit.risingthumb.xyz/cgit/dirdir.git/

My site also has a bible(KJV+Apocrypha) tool that's still a WIP. Need to get verse linking sorted out, but book linking and chapter linking works

> but it's somehow less work than my main site.

I think reliability and ease of use is the main selling point of werc. It's a pain in the ass wrapping your head around rc's lists, concatenations and other rc-isms when learning it, but once you figure it out it's wonderful to use.

> updated. I like how your site loads instantly while preventing the soulcrushing feeling mine gives me.

Does 9front have an fcgi implementation? I changed from cgi to fcgi a while back and saw significant speed improvements. More significant than moving from dynamically linked libs to statically linked libs by compiling plan9port myself.

Sorry it's taken me a while to add the lainchan webring to my site, I'll try and get around to it this weekend- don't want to "leech" from the webring, and not give back.



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so many children here ...



Not one of those lains, but the way I see it, everyone hosting the webring on their site can choose which sites to (in/ex)clude. If the original poster wants to bring to everyone’s attention that they disagree with content on tard zone’s website then they totally should be able to. But what they’re doing is giving argument to why others should remove tard zone from the ring as a whole. The lains you referenced are simply pointing out that, as a federated process, that there is no consensus on whether tard zone’s website is sufficiently offensive to have it removed.



Those are just angsty edgy teenagers replies and you know it. "WINFARMZ SO CUL OMG PWN FR FR NOCAP"
You seem smart. I bet you understand it.



i love the cow, but i cant for soykaf read the links on your site. whilst it's your site to design, i do recommend making the links a color that's more contrasting against the black background

regardless, added. welcome to the ring :)

also added, love to see a fellow nietzsche fan



Oh that’s what you meant.
My bad hahaha



You're the one throwing a fit over something you don't like.




people can have what they want on their webrings but the webring is getting bigger and bigger. means its hard to vet the content that you keep on your page.

anyway continue to call me a child. i do not take life advice nor insults from ppl who call themselves nordic tradcaths who say advocating for nazism falls under their right to freedom to speech ?

if it's any consolation i promise you'll grow out of it one day because i grew out of it when i was 14

sneed suck my cock and balls losers



>Sorry it's taken me a while to add the lainchan webring to my site, I'll try and get around to it this weekend- don't want to "leech" from the webring, and not give back.

Added the webring here: https://risingthumb.xyz/WebRings/

I'll need to set up a script to cache the members json and banner images every now and then. How frequently are new people added to the webring? Just to get an idea of how often I should be caching it. Also, sizeof.cat, is the inclusion of a __MACOSX folder intended for the .zip files?



No, it's not, but it's one of the "perks" of using macOS.



I don't advocate for Nazism and I don't think the guy who made the site does either, he just put some edgy GIFs on the page. You seem like the kind of person who is scared of death metal.



I think this discussion has ran its course, people can agree with nazism or not, agree with childish edgy posting or not; it's their sites, their opinions, their copy of the webring.
So, any new websites for the webring?!



this site rules. Lots of good music and loads of Ted K writings to download



theodore kaczynski would think you were a cunt. don't pretend you're some kind of primitivist behind the computer screen.



This kind of "you have XYZ written by such and such author in your library? You must subscribe to their ideals" is the same line of thought that leads to book burnings. A lot of people agree with Ted's works, but agreeing with his diagnosis, doesn't make automatically make you subscribe to his treatment. I agree with his diagnosis, and I want a fix, but society sure doesn't, so I fix myself, not society.
Besides, you're fanning the fires. This is a webring thread. Add who you want to your own site, as that's your property, if you're such an environmentally friendly fellow stop polluting your local lainchan environment maaaaan



Woah, I resent that. I'd burn books, but please don't lump that asshole in with us. He is way, way worse.



Back to our regularly scheduled programming:

I have a question about displaying on mobile.
Is there a way to structure your website so that it looks good on mobile and desktop without resorting to css based on the view window’s size?

If not, what window sizes are common enough that I should target them in my css.
I want my website to be nice on all screen sizes (4k and tiny) but I’d rather have it all in a single flow rather than branches.

One idea I had was something like %of screen and minimal size. That way it won’t shrink down to nothing on a small screen like a mobile device. The issue there is that I have to choose a sensible floor for the size of the main content container. I, unfortunately, don’t know if I’ll choose the right numbers.



honestly what works for me is zooming in until an element breaks, then targeting a media query by hovering over body in the inspector and looking at the width. the rule of thumb is don't bother targeting anything below max-width: 300px.

let me know if this works, css is by far the easiest solution to this.



>Is there a way to structure your website so that it looks good on mobile and desktop without resorting to css based on the view window’s size?

The 2 things that work well here imo:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
in your HTML header. This is probably what you want if you want the content layout on Desktop and Mobile to match(but I hope your HTML layout and CSS follows responsive design principles the other anon linked about otherwise, that 800px hardcoded width image on a 500px screen is gonna look wonky).

@media (max-width: 600px) {
/* css changes if the width is 600px or less here... */



File: 1695334904941-0.jpg (2.31 KB, 192x47, 192:47, banner.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

i'd like to join



your website sure takes a lot of time to load Lainon, anyways imma add you soon !!!



File: 1695442811529-0.gif (10.84 KB, 240x60, 4:1, antekgort200.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Welcome to the Lainring, fren!
I've taken the liberty to resize your banner image to a 240x60 button image, hope the result is ok with you (else it will screw up our sites' layout)



I’m thinking of making a tiling background for my website which doesn’t have super obvious repetitions.
My idea is to have a base background which is completely filling and repetition doesn’t matter (think a constant color) and stick transparent rotations of an image on top.

The idea is to use three or four different rotations and space them so that the cycle order is large (think 1, 3, 7, 13) in both the vertical and horizontal directions (but so that we don’t have diagonal patterns).

Has anyone done something similar with success? I could always make a large enough image myself and tile that, but I don’t want my users to have to download a 3MB image just for the background ya know?



File: 1695483723418-0.png (7.71 KB, 240x60, 4:1, maerkxyzbanner.png) ImgOps iqdb

hi everyone. i post here about my arcade machines or whatever else is on my mind.




Added to my copy, very nice articles.



just layer 2-3 transparent tile images ontop of eachother, above the base pattern. make the images different sizes so that the patterns overlap strangely and make unique designs.
not difficult with css. could make the effect you're after trivially.
here's sort of an example
the wood, pencil and smiley face are all separate images



Will add you soon (if i forget,please remind me in 3/4 days) cool website though



i like these thin layouts.
here's another example of a nice thin layout you could draw some inspiration from (not part of the ring)

i have a critique, your gallery page is embedding the full image for the thumbnails. i would recommend you use actual thumbnails instead to make the page load a lot faster and not waste resources. not especially important but it's nice to be considerate of people on slow connections, also could be a nice problem for you to figure out automating.



noticed youre using cactus comments for your blog comments, that is a really neat software i love it.
any other anons that want free and simple comments i'd recommend you use that as well.
>sign up by starting a matrix private message with their bot
>free to set up.
>allows anonymous posting.
>each blog post becomes a matrix chat room so you can easily keep up and reply to new comments.
>can upload images via the matrix room.
>supports markdown.
>can comment via your matrix account after logging in.
(sort of a bad thing to encourage logging into accounts through third parties like this, but as long as you trust the site nbd)



hi anon. is your website down?



thanks lads. i am now noticing that my visitor counter is not working.



yeah its been down the whole morning
no idea why tho, i'll check in the evening when i'm at home



that guy has good taste in website layouts. the gallery code was made by someone else and i just kind of slapped it together on my site. using thumbnails might be too advanced for me but i'll look into it. also i fixed my visitor counter lol. of course i discovered that i screwed it up after an influx of visitors.



This is one of the biggest perks of joining a webring/community, besides getting your ideas and hobbies out there: an influx of visitors that always motivates you to learn more and do better.
Well done!



You can use imagemagick to quickly generate thumbnails. I mix it with shell globbling and xargs to make it faster. If you're smart, unlike me, you can add something like a file name index then use sort, diff, and maybe sed to only generate thumbs for new images. Not tonight, but eventually I could share something I've used in the past.



File: 1695781415216-0.png (122.02 KB, 811x203, 811:203, Screenshot_20230926_185140.png) ImgOps iqdb

i tried making a second theme the user can toggle, check it out. not sure if ill keep it because i dont want to go too hard on the waifu soykaf. the problem im having with it is that every page loads with the default theme (cammy) but once it's done loading it switches to the selected peach theme. it's really jarring.



You have a few options. You can set <html> to display:none with js while a custom theme is loading, move your theme selector script to the top of your <body> and default if js is not supported, or you can use something like a GET request to send a different stylesheet. Always be sure to default to something sane. You could also use @media queries and set peach/cammy for light/dark browser themes.



all my pages are just plain HTML and I wrote a stylesheet afterwards to make it not look straight out of 1994
admittedly, it now looks straight out of 2004

just have something to say
whatever projects you've done to show, whatever guides you have on doing some soykaf you had to figure out, presentation is second to actually having interesting something to tell people

it's pretty easy to style things afterwards
just some basic CSS attached to <body> can do wonders for making a page not just look like straight text
just something like this:
body {
padding: 1em;
width: 70%;
min-width: 480px;
margin: 1em auto;
background-color: #eee;
color: #111;
and throw <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> into your <head> so it actually sees the stylesheet
maybe change the font or whatever, pick better colors, add a background image
but literally all of your HTML can stay the same, and you just use CSS after the fact to make things not unbearably basic

seeing pages suddenly go from plain text to themed feels good



i like the media query idea but im currently killing myself trying to get them working. my site is currently unreadable soykaf lol



is there any chance i could pull my copy of the webring from somewhere?
if i stored my own copy i'm sure i'd forget to update it.



My site is still in production. But muugol.xyz is where I am at.



looks so corporate (no offense)



File: 1696448235356-0.png (1.28 KB, 240x59, 240:59, lainnet_banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

I was advised to post my site here, so here ya go:

I've recently migrated to a new VPS and have a bunch of new services in the works, so stay tuned!



Welcome to the lainring, anon. Make sure you stash a copy of the webring somewhere on your website.



Will do when I return home.



>>70358 (OP)
is it just me or are there missing tons of banner images here?
would be great if it was up to date



It's probably stuck in the last year, or maybe even 2020?



Alright, done as requested!



Yeah I know. It's just some code I stole from somewhere. It's not going to look like that in the end.



274 replies | 48 images | Page ???

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