
Planted: September 1, 2022
Last tended: September 5, 2023

Judo Flip

“I am the stone that the builder refused;

I am the visual, the inspiration

That made lady sing the blues.

I’m the spark that makes your idea bright,

The same spark that lights the dark

So that you can know your left from your right.

I am the ballot in your box,

The bullet in your gun,

The inner glow that lets you know

To call your brother son.

The story that just begun,

The promise of what’s to come,

And I will remain a soldier

Till the war is won.

Chop, chop, chop, judo flip!

Chop, chop, chop, judo flip!

Chop, chop, chop, judo flip!

Chop, chop, chop!”


Artist(s) || Asheru

Album [Track #] || The Boondocks [Intro]

Album Date || November 6, 2005


“Dust to dust, ash to ash, into the sky

Oh, my fragments of hope(s), never die…

Dust to dust, earth to earth, I say goodbye

Oh, my fragments of hope(s), give me life”


Artist(s) || Aimer

Album [Track #] || DAWN [09]

Album Date || July 29, 2015

Translation Contributors || AmaLee*, Kyougi*, Me


β€œA sight for sore eyes to the blind

would be awful majestic

It would be the most beautiful thing

That they ever had seen

It would cause such surprise

It would make all of their minds electric

How could anyone tell them

That some things are not what they seem?”


Artist(s) || Wax Fang

Album [Track #] || La La Land [01]

Album Date || November 17, 2007

Perfect Places

β€œAll the nights spent off our faces

Trying to find these perfect places

What the fuck are perfect places anyway?”


Artist(s) || Lorde

Album [Track #] || Melodrama [11]

Album Date || June 16, 2017

Did You Get My Message?

β€œDo you ever wonder what happens to the words that we send

Do they bend? Do they break from the flight that they take

And get put back together again? With a whole new meaning

And a brand new sense completely unrelated to the one I sent

Did you get my message?

Oh, did you get my message?

Oh, did you get my message, yeah?”


Artist(s) || Jason Mraz (ft. Rachael Yamagata)

Album [Track #] || Mr. A–Z [04]

Album Date || July 26, 2005


β€œNo, I could never give you peace…

Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?”


Artist(s) || Taylor Swift

Album [Track #] || Folklore [15]

Album Date || July 24, 2020

The Rainbow Connection

β€œWell, have you been half asleep and have you heard the voices?

Well I’ve heard them calling my name.

Say, is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?

The voice might be one and the same”


Artist(s) || Jason Mraz (Kermit the Frog)

Album [Track #] || Live At Backyard Dagmar [03]

Date || July 15, 2007

~ Starts at 8:07 ~

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